Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Cheat Grandchase Rising Juli 2013

Buat Alat-alat nya Cari di Google ya gan:
-Engine editan/Love engine :D

Kalau mau nanya gimana cara lewatin X-trap/Bypass X-trap, comment aja gan thx :D

Stage Hack Manual :

-Practice Mode, Pilih Skill Tree Lire di bagian SHARED, pilih skill yang nambah regen MP (Warna Biru) kemudian OK
-Scan 1065353215 atau 1065353216 (Bisa pilih salah satu)
-Pencet X+Atas (Itu Make ST lire yang nambah regen MP tadi
-Scan 1065363282
-Ambil Address yang valuenya tidak berubah-ubah (Jika ada banyak) atau jika muncul 1 address saja, ambil aja
-Ganti value address tersebut menjadi 2100000000

NB: Kalo ga ktemu address ulangi aja

Mp Pet Hack:

1.Tunggu MP Bar pet sampe penuh trus scan 1 (Float)
2.gunakan mp pet
3.next scan 0
4.tunggu sampe penuh lgi
5.next scan 1
6.ambil addressnya kemudian freeze

Random Skill Hack:

-Masuk ke practice mode pilih ronan job aegis knight
-kemudian lakukan skill Rune Charge/Rune Flare sampai 3x kemudian scan 3 (Yang dimaksud Rune Charge/Rune Flare ada skill 1 aegis knight type 2/White Magic)

-pakaI rune flare/rune charge sampai tersisa 2 kemudian scan 2

-muncul 1 address, ambil addresnya dan ubah valuenya seperti dibawah ini

List value skill hack:
2256 = Ngeluarin 3 killzone dan necrotic << 2227 = Ngeluarin Nuklir ??? << 2222 = Ngeluarin Gate aneh dan ngrubah lawan jadi slime
1000 = ngluarin tombak aneh gatau kedepan pa blakang
1500 = sector 3 mari
1878 = kartu aneh berjalan
777 = ???
2545 = freeze lawan
2458 = skill bosnya HD dunge di silverland
2010 = dipukul sama tangan nggotot
1002 = TOMBAK sieghart + Racun Tikus
1003 = full racun
2364 = Black Ball
1254 = Lunatic Force banyak
2323 = 4 kill zone + bola aneh << 1256 = lunatic force banyak + hera skill << 739 = Kaze aze
300 = aneh
301 = lempar granat
1111 = meledak terus aneh
1769 = laser arme besar
3202 = Fire Ring (Bagus Untuk Hungry pets)
896 = earth atk + sedot hp ala ryan
2210 = meteor fall ronan
2780/2781 = big fire + zero poison
2412 = jin final attack
2708 = Zeeve
3210 = 3 jugler damage 999999
New Value:
4143 = Meteor (Arme) (Pake Skill 2 Ronan)

Value Code Stage Hack:

Heroic Dungeon
Shrine of Destruction= 5
Furnace of Hell= 9

Outer Wall of Serdin= 4
Kerrie Beach= 5
Orc Temple= 5
Gorgos' Dungeon= 7
Elven Forest= 7
Gorge of Oath= 8
Marsh of Oblivion= 8
Forsaken Barrows= 8
Forgotten City= 8
Gaikoz's Castle= 9

Silver Land
Forest of Angry Ent= 5
Ruins of the Silver Knights= 5
Mysterious Lake= 5
Marsh of Aqua Dragon= 5
Primitive Island= 5
Territory of Drake Worm= 5
Victor's Fortress= 5

Partusay's Sea= 11
Kamiki's Castle= 12
Temple of Fire= 11
Hell Bridge= 11
KazeAaze Castle(Lass Form Boss)= 14
KazeAaze Castle(True Form Boss)= 1
Kastulle Ruins Bottom Floor= 14
Kastulle Ruins Upper Floor= 6
Battle for Bermesiah

Xenia Border(Lenasien)= 9
Xenia Border(Octus)= 10
The Temple of Circulation= 5
Mana Valley= 5
Ignis Mountains= 5
Altar of Harmony= 6(Shark Aron= 5)
Shrine of Destruction= 5
Forest of Life= 6(Dark Storm & Furious Storm= 5)
Castle of Rule= 4(Evilis= 3)

Dwarves Base= 6(Spider Guard Machine= 5)
Dwarves Supply Route= 5(Power Shovel= 4)
Thunder Hammer= 7

Goblin Labor Camp= 5
Underground Tunnel= 6
Kungji Island= 6
Mirage Desert= 5

Untuk yang mengalami "Invalid Stream Format" Silahkan Gunakan cara di bawah ini:
-Close Love Engine lo (Tuluka jangan di close)
-Kalo Tuluka udah terlanjur di Close, buka lagi seperti biasa abis itu baru tutup Love Engine nya
-Kalo Love Engine nya udah lo Close, baru deh lo buka lagi tanpa lo pencet "cereg3set"
-Happy Cheating lagi deh , ga bakalan ada tulisan "Invalid Stream Format"
-Kalo masih ada, ya lu lakuin lagi cara di atas

Untuk Yang bermasalah disaat next scan hasil kosong:
-Ketik dulu value yang ingin kamu scan
-ke setting, centang Query Memory Region Routines kemudian ok
-First Scan
-ke setting lagi, centang undo changes to LE kemudian apus tanda centangnya, dan hapus tanda centangnya pada Query Memory Region Routines kemudian OK
-Jika langkah yang lu lakukan betul maka scan akan menjadi lama dengan hasil yang banyak!

NB: Address yang lo udah dapetin selama lo nge cheat bakalan hilang kalo love engine nya lu tutup, jadi kudu nge cheat dari awal lagi~

-Practice Mode, pilih Elesis Skill Tree di bagian shared ambil hyper armor lv 2
-kemudian ok
-First Scan 4278190080
-Pakai Hyper armor (Pencet "C")
-Next Scan 4278190081
-Ambil addressnya, kemudian ganti valuenya menjadi 4290999999
-Slesai dah

Stage Hack (yang kaga bisa masukin):
-Scan brapapun (pokoknya nghasilin address)
-Ambil salah satu address hasil scan
-Lu ubah aja addressnya jadi address stage hack, so easy huh?

Defense Hack by Anonim XD

1. Pake zero, ambil skill amid
2. Scan 1 [First scan, Exact value, 4 bytes]
3. Pake skill amid, scan 4278190081
4. Kalo normal, ketemu 1 addres doang
5. Kalo masih lebih dari 1, ulangi aja step diatas,, cuma nunggu cooldown amid nya aja yg ngeselin :P

Skill Hack (Spamming):

-Practice Mode, pilih azin.. dan set skill "Razor Kick" kemudian ok
scan 1065353216
-Setelah itu tekan 1 pilih skill tree azin di tab mugen, kemudian pilih skill "Reduce Special MP Reduction"
-Tekan "OK" lagi dan anda sekarang masuk ke dalam Practice mode menggunakan skill "Razor Kick" dan passive "Reduce Special MP Reduction"
-Pakai Skill "Razor Kick" dan buka love engine
-Ganti "Exact Value" menjadi "Decreased Value"
-Klick "Next Scan" (ntar bakalan kluar cuma 1 Address di kotak kiri)
-Ganti Value dari Address yang kamu temukan tadi menjadi 1(untuk ngeluarin skill 1) ato 2 (untuk ngeluarin skill 2) ato 3 (untuk ngeluarin skill 3), jadi terserah lo mau nge spam skill1/2/3

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

How To Open Block Sites

This tips will help you to open a block site..
There two different ways,:
1.) You can Use Web Proxy, You can search it on google.com, and i usually use this two Web Proxy hidemyass.com/ and www.proxfree.com/adult-proxy.php
2.) Use a apllication, the name Tor Browser, with this application we can surf any site. You Can Download Here
Hope that can really help you full...
thanks before

Cara Membuka Situs Yang Di Blokir

Belakangan ini banyak sekolah-sekolah yang memblok akses internet untuk membuka situs facebook dan sebagainya...
Cara mudah untuk membuka situs yang di blokir ada 2 cara:
1.) Menggunakan Web Proxy anda bisa mencari di google, saya sering menggunakan 2 situs ini hidemyass.com/ dan www.proxfree.com/adult-proxy.php
2.) Menggunakan aplikasi yang bernama Tor Browser, dengan ini kita browsing dengan bebas tanpa ada batasan-batasan situs. Langsung aja bisa Download Disini
Semoga sangat membantu...

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

How to Get Beautiful, Glowing Skin

1. Clean your hands. Wash your hands before treating your face. Because if you don't, dirt from your hands can get on your face and might even cause breakouts.

2. Cleanse yourself properly. Keep makeup to a minimum, and wash yourself properly afterwards. Certain foundations and bronzers can make your skin irritated and break out, so be sure to remove it all completely.

3. Apply sunscreen, chapstick, and/or lip balm. Optionally, the chapstick and lip balm may have SPF. Sunscreen will prevent sunburn damage to your skin.

4. Wash your face with a cleanser after waking up. You could use Clean&Clear Morning burst, it will wake you up as well as cleansing your face. And another example is like Cetaphil. Think about it: you have been tossing and turning all night on a pillow covered with bacteria and hair product residue.

5. Wash your face before you go to bed at night. Your face has been exposed to polluted air, oils from your hands, and other environmental factors all day. Use a nutritive skin care product. Remember to never go to bed with make-up on.

6. Wash your face with warm/hot water to open your pores. Use your cleanser and rinse off with warm/hot water afterwards. Finish by rinsing with cold water on your face to close your pores and help keep them clean.

7. Steam your pores open to cleanse about once a week.

- Boil a pot of water. You can add a drop of something like rosemary oil.
- Drape a towel over your hair.
- Hold your face about 6" away from the water's surface for about 3-5 minutes.
- Cleanse and follow up with the cold water or ice.

8. Exercise. Cardio is what will give your skin that glow because it stimulates blood flow. It's also healthy for your body and will make you stronger.

9. Use a weekly moisturizing or anti-aging mask on face and neck, preferably after exfoliating the skin.

10. Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day. This will help clear your skin and give it a glow because it will help rid toxins from your body.

11. Remember it is crucial to have a healthy diet:

- You are what you eat, and incorporating healthy food like vegetables, fruits, grains, and protein will help. Omega 3 Fatty Acids found in fish and walnuts is especially beneficial to your skin. Vitamin C will help existing pimples heal faster, so eating a few servings of things like citrus fruits will help. If you're worried you aren't getting enough of necessary vitamins and minerals, try taking a multivitamin.
- Eat fiber rich foods (fresh vegetables, nuts, fruits all with skins on) to help keep a fine balance and to be regular, not sluggish, in the gastrointestinal area. You may look and feel tired and sickly (headache and abdominal complaints), if you do not have regularity of elimination/movements once or more every day.
- Steer clear of foods and drinks high in sugar and caffeine. Which means you should cut down on, or completely remove soda, coffee, and sugary juices from our diet.
- Try to consume less than 45g of sugar on a daily basis.
- Cut down on salty foods. Eating too much salt can make your face look bloated.

12. Exfoliate about once a week also. You can do this by buying an exfoliater or by using a washcloth to rub your cleanser in - just make sure it's clean! Exfoliating will remove dead, dull skin.

13. Always follow up a cleanse with a moisturizer made for your skin type. Especially after exfoliating!

14. Do NOT pick at existing pimples. When you pick at or pop a pimple, you are spreading the bacteria from that onto the rest of your face.

15. Try to keep your hands off your face as much as possible. Your hands naturally have oils on them that can clog pores.

16. Try to keep stress to a minimum. I know for a fact that the majority of us have to deal with stress frequently, but stress can cause break-outs. Try meditating or just taking a few minutes in the day to sit back, clear your mind, and do something you enjoy.

17. Use a nutritive skin care product to feed the skin during the night.

18. Get plenty of sleep.

19. Sleep with your hair tied back. Hair oils and hair product residue clogs pores.

20. Apply lotion to your body within ten minutes of taking a shower. This will keep your skin from drying, especially during the winter months.

21. After you cleanse your face in the morning, apply a moisturizer such as Neutrogena Oil-Free Moisture Spf 15.

22. After you cleanse your face in the evening, apply a moisturizer such as Pond's Dry Skin Cream.

Tips Perawatan Kecantikan Alami Wajah Dan Perawatan Kulit

Memiliki kecantikan wajah serta kecantikan kulit pasti diharapkan oleh semua wanita. Banyak cara dan metode bagaimana memperoleh kecantikan yang di inginkan. Mulai yang modern hingga yang tradisional. Tapi alangkah baiknya jika untuk mendapatkannya kecantikan wajah dan kulit alami menggunakan tips kecantikan secara alami karena minimnya resiko.

Artikel ini merupakan artikel kumpulan tips wanita yang berisi Tips Kecantikan - Kumpulan Tips Kecantikan Wanita secara alami serta perawatan wajah dan kulit Baca Tips Cara Menghilangkan Jerawat Pada Wajah Secara Alami . Perawatan kecantikan alami lebih di utamakan karena relatif lebih aman walaupun membutuhkan waktu lebih lama. Yang di bahas disini adalah tips alami mengencangkan wajah, tips kecantikan rambut bagaimana car agar Kulit Jadi Segar dan Kencang.

Dari semua bagian tubuh yang ada kulit memerlukan perhatian lebih karena paling dulu menerima berbagai efek pas kita lagi di luar rumah. Mulai dari partikel bebas, asap kendaraan bermotor, polusi, dan sinar ultra violet.Agar kulit kembali segar dan cantik perlu perawatan lebih ketimbang bagian tubuh yang lain. Misalnya dengan melindungi kulit dengan krim pelindung sinar matahari.

Berikut ini tips cara perawatan kecantikan kulit dan perawatan wajah:

Cara Menghaluskan kulit: Gunakanlah garam lalu dicampur dengan pembersih tubuh atau conditioner dengan prosentase perbandingan yang sama. Kemudian gosokkan campuran tersebut pada tubuh sambil mandi. Setelah selesai bilas hingga bersih dan kulit anda akan terasa menjadi sangat halus.

Cara Perawatan wajah anda: Oleskan wajah Anda dengan pelembab sebelum anda mandi dan biarkan terus hingga selesai mandi. Bila waktu mandi anda memakai air hangat maka uap air akan membuka pori sehingga pelembab penetrasi lebih dalam.

Cara Agar tangan awet muda: Lakukan perawatan dengan cara manicure untuk menghaluskan kulit. Kemudian campurkan gula dengan menggunakan sedikit minyak zaitun dan vanila. Lalu ambil rammuan tersebut dan pijatkan pada bagian tangan dan kutikula. Setelah selesai bilaslah di bawah air hangat yang mengalir.

Memberikan pijatan pada kulit kepala: Gunakan beberapa tetes peppermint oil pada shampoo bayi kemudian gunakan ramuan ini untuk memijat bagian kulita kepala. Pepperminta merupakan astrigent alamiah yang membantu mengatur minyak.

Cara perawatan kaki: Gunakan tutup saringan bath tub kemudian tambahkan bubuk yang menghaluskan kulit di dasar tub. setelah itu biarkan kaki tetap pada posisi terendam sambil anda mandi.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Six Steps For Learning Difficult Subjects Quickly

Here's a strategy I've found useful for learning dry and difficult material quickly. At various times, I've used it to build up my knowledge of subjects like economics, investing, writing and computer programming languages. Some people have been surprised at how fast I can learn these kinds of skills, but I think anyone can do it with the right plan. Of course, you can use this to teach yourself interesting things as well, but most people don't have any problem learning stuff that's fun.

Okay, here are the steps...

Step 1: Bombard yourself with information
Many people try to slowly and methodically digest difficult material. They underline things and re-read paragraphs ten times to try and understand. This approach might eventually work, but most people get fed up with it and give up before finishing. Our brains hate this way of learning.

Instead, try to get through the material as quickly as possible. Don't worry if you don't understand everything, just keep reading on. Push yourself to get the damn textbook finished, and don't worry too much about how much you take in.

Skip any exercises or quizzes and just keep ploughing through.

Some people can read an entire textbook in a couple of sittings, but not me. I like to digest 10-20 page chunks, then go and do something else for a while to give my brain a rest. If you do this three or four times a day, you can finish a 600 page textbook in about two weeks.

The only time I stop to go back is if there's some key concept that's being repeated a lot and I don't know what it means. Then, I might allow myself to read a key paragraph or two on that topic, but no more. Otherwise I just challenge myself to get through the book as quickly as possible.

Step 2: Identify the key concepts and make them yours
Once you've finished the text, think about what the key concepts were. Don't concentrate on the details at this stage, just identify the core ten or so ideas that form the basis of the subject. Look them up again and try to define them as simply as you can. Putting them in your own words, with an example, rather than learning by rote is important.

For example, The Economist defines the concept of Opportunity Cost as: "The true cost of something is what you give up to get it. This includes not only the money spent in buying (or doing) the something, but also the economic benefits that you did without because you bought (or did) that particular something and thus can no longer buy (or do) something else. "

So you could say to yourself: "Opportunity cost means not being able to spend your resources on one thing because you've already spent them on something else. I can spend my Saturday night doing homework, which means the opportunity cost is that I can't spend that time going to the movies."

Step 3: Only memorize what absolutely has to be memorized
Most facts and figures can be looked up. Don't fill your mind with junk trivia that's only a mouse-click away. Instead of the raw data, concentrate on understanding the ideas of a subject.

However, in any topic, there are some things that simply must be memorized. Cut the list of these down as much as possible, so you're only remembering that which absolutely and definitely has to be remembered.

There are all sorts of memory tricks around, but the one I find most useful is pretty simple. I just repeat out loud the thing that has to be remembered ten times or so. Then, I wait until later in the day and try to remember it again. If I can't, I look it up and repeat it out loud again. Then I wait for later and try to remember it again - and so on. Usually, you can burn a fact into your brain pretty quickly using this method.

Step 4: Get some feedback on your understanding
Now that you've filled your head with stuff, it's time to get some feedback on how well you've understood it. A good way is by doing some kind of mock-exam. You can find these for various subjects on-line, or you might want to try some of the exercises in the textbook.

Again, break this dull task up into chunks if necessary, doing a few different tests over a few days.

You'll probably find that you did pretty badly when you mark yourself. After all, you raced your way through the text. But if you look up the questions that you got wrong, you should amaze yourself at how quickly you start getting a detailed knowledge of the material.

What you're trying to do is build up a framework of the subject in your mind and then fill in the details. This will probably be pretty fuzzy at first, but clarity usually comes quickly as you teach your brain how the concepts are related.

The important thing is not getting the answers right, but looking up what you got wrong and learning it. Do this as quickly as possible. Try to avoid reading whole chapters unless you feel you absolutely need to.

Step 5: Bombard yourself with some more information, but from another source
Now is the time to get some information from other sources. Often, hearing something in a different way helps me to understand it better. It also gives some flexibility to my comprehension.

I'm not suggesting reading another whole textbook. Instead read a few short articles on the subject in magazines and on websites.

Step 6: Get some real-world feedback
Now's the time to get some real-world feedback. If you've learnt a language, try speaking to a native in it. If you've taught yourself anatomy, try having a discussion on the subject with a doctor.

The best real world feedback of all is if you attempt to use your knowledge for fame or fortune (on a small scale of course). Throw yourself in the deep end, in other words. Join a discussion board on the subject and pick an argument with one of the participants. Or try to get paid employment using your new knowledge.

So there they are, my six steps for learning a difficult subject quickly. Of course, the actual amount of time it takes depends on how much work you put in, but this is the most efficient method I've found in terms of understanding achieved compared to time and effort spent. Usually, I can get a good broad understanding of a topic in a month or two using this method.

I hope it works well for you.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Tips Atau Cara Supaya Pacaran Langgeng (no putus 1x pun)

Buat Sobat-Sobat Yang Pacaran, Ini Gue Kasih Beberapa Tips Agar Langgeng Pacaran Dan No Putus 1x Pun. . .
Cara Ini Sudah Saya Buktikan Sendiri, Langsung Aja Deh Gan, Ini Dia:

1. Paling Dasar Itu, Lo Harus Tau Kalo Cwe Tuh Gak Suka Di Paksa-Paksa.
2. Pastinya Pasangan Itu Harus Selalu Jujur (Saling Ngelepas Uneg-Uneg, Biasanya Gue Lakuin ini 1 Hari Sebelum Annive Gan.)
3. Tips Yang Nomor 2, Jangan Di Pakai Buat Bahan Kalian Berantem...... Tapi.... Buat Intropeksi Diri Kalian Masing-Masing Gan, Inget Jangan Langsung Marah Ya...
4. Kalau 1 Emosi, 1 Harus Ada Yang Sabar (WAJIB), Ini Harus Di Lakuin Supaya Gak Putus....
5. Rata-Rata Pasangan Putus Itu Paling Banyak Karena Cara No.4, Eiiittsss, Jangan Mikir Gitu, Tapi Karena 2-2 Nya Emosi Gan, Intinya Harus Ada 1 Yang Sabar, Gimana Gan Supaya Sabar? Cara Nya Cukup Dengan Lo Pikir Kedepan nya, Inget-Inget Aja Kalau Lo 2-2 Nya Emosi Gue Bakal Putus Nih, Gue Gak Mau Dong Kayak Gitu, Gue Masih Sayang Banget Ma Lo, Gue Gak Mau Kehilangan Lo...
(KECUALI, Kalau Lo Dah Gak Cinta Ma Dia Gan, Lain Cerita Nya)

Dah Itu Aja Ah Tips Nya, Cape Gue Nulis Nya :p

(Comment Ya Gan?)

Kumpulan Gombalan Maut Dan Mantap ver.3

Kamu : Say, tau ga kenapa panda udah mau punah ?
Si Doi : karena panda banyak yang di buru
Kamu : salah jawabannya
Si Doi : yang bener apa kalau gitu ?
Kamu : karena panda banyak yang bunuh diri
Si Doi : Ko bisa gitu ?
Kamu : karena panda tau kalau kamu lebih imut dan lucu dari dia

Kamu : Beb, mau nggak cubit pipiku ?
Si Doi : emangnya kenapa ?
Kamu : Biar tau kalau aku ga lagi mimpiin kamu

Kamu : Yank, bibir kamu banyak semutnya tu !!
Si Doi : Masak sih yank ?? (sambil mengusap bibir)
Kamu : Makanya jadi cewek jangan terlalu manis

Kamu : Yank, kamu tau ga bahasa inggrisnya aku cinta kamu ?
Si Doi : I Love You
Kamu : I Love You Too (senyum)

Kamu : Aduh,,,Hatiku dari tadi kok sakit banget ya...
SI Doi : Kenapa kamu say, belum makan ta..??
Kamu : Aduh,,, Ada yang ngukir namamu di hati ku

Kamu : Pak pos sekarang sudah ga mau lagi ngirim surat
Si Doi : Ko bisa ga mau lagi say ??
Kamu : Katanya terlalu besar jadi ga mau
Si Doi : Emangi ngirim apa ko terlalu besar ??
Kamu : Aku pengen ngirimin semua cintaku ke kamu
Si Doi : (langsung lemes)

Kamu : Say, punggung kamu ko beda ya ??
Si Doi : Beda apanya ?
Kamu : Bidadari kok gak ada sayapnya ? Kamu sembunyiin dimana ??

Kamu : Say, kenapa tu mata kamu ???
Si Doi : Emangnya kenapa say ??
Kamu : Setiap aku melihat mata kamu, rasanya di hipnotis untuk selalu mencintaimu
Si Doi : Bisa ja kamu say...

Kumpulan Gombalan Maut Dan Mantap ver.2

Gombalan 1
ce: udah ah aku gak mau keseringan ketemu kamu.
co: kenapa?
ce: takut diabetes aku kumat.
co: kok bisa?
ce: kemanisan liat senyum kamu

Gombalan 2

co : kamu tau gak malam apa yang paling menakutkan..??
ce : aku tau,ya malam jum'at kliwon. .
co : tapi bagiku bukan itu. .
ce : terus apa??
ce : malam yang paling menakutkan adalah malam malam ku tanpamu..
ce : so sweet. .

Gombalan 3

co: yank, kamu tau tidak apa bedanya kereta api sama kamu ??
ce: kalau kereta benda mati kalau km benda hidup
co: betul, tapi ada 1 lagi yang terlewatkan.
ce: memang nya apa lagi??
co: kalau kereta api berhenti di stasiun, kalau aku berhenti di hatimu
ce: bisa saja

Gombalan 4

co: yank... ??
ce: apa yank??
co: aku mau kamu ku jadikan sesuatu. kamu mau gak yank??
ce: memang nya aku mau di jadi kan apa??
co: aku mau kamu jadi cahaya yang selalu bersinar di hatiku
ce: so sweet

Gombalan 5

co: sayang,temenin aku ke apotik yuk!!
ce: lah,ngapain yank?
co: mau beli obat demam sayang
ce: loh kok tiba-tiba demam sayang?
co: iya aku lagi demam cinta kamu

Gombalan 6

co: Eh eh.. aku ada tebakan neh
ce: excited .. ok ok.. apa tebakannya
co: Panda apa yang paling imut manis dan lucu?
ce: Semua panda mah imut kali..
co: Engga.. ada satu yg paling ga ngebosenin..
ce: Nyerah deh..
co: Panda-ngin kamu sepanjang hari..
ce: Ah.. abang ah..

Gombalan 7

co : neng .. Abang OTW yah ,!!
ce : OTW kemana bang ??
co : OTW kehati kamu
ce : iihh abang bisa aja deh, yaudah neng tunggu yah..

Gombalan 8

co: Neng apa bedanya kutu sama kamu?
ce: ihhh..jorok! emang apa bang?
co: kalau kutu ngisap darah ku, kalau kamu ngisap dompet ku
ce: kurang ajar!
co:becanda neng..

Gombalan 9

hemat pangkal kaya
rajin pangkal pandai
kalo kamu pangkalan hati aku

Gombalan 10

co : yaang, boleh gak aku ketemu mamah kamu ?
ce: mau ngapain yaang ??
co: cuma mau bilang makasih udah ngelahirin kamu buat aku

Gombalan 11

cinta sama kmu tuh bagaikan mau buang air besar ,,, soalnya tak bisa di tahan lagi !!!

Gombalan 12

co: Neng tolong dong..aku gak bisa ngliat nih..
ce: loh! kok bisa bang?
co: iya aku buta..buta karena cinta mu

Gombalan 13

co:bapak kamu nelayan ya???
ce: kok tau..
Co:karna km telah memancing hati q...

Gombalan 14
co:bapak kamu tukang las ya
ce: ko tau?
co: karena kamu telah menyatukan kembali hati ku yang dulu hancur

Gombalan 15

Bapak kamu guru bahasa Inggris ya ?
- Kok tahu ???
Tiap ketemu kamu pengenye ngomong ailapyu.

Gombalan 16

Co: Bapak kamu PLN yah?
ce: Kok tau sih?
Co: Karena kamu telah membuat lampu dihatiku menyala terus karena strum cintaku.

Gombalan 17

A : bapak kamu tukang sate ya
B : Kok tahu...
A : karna kau telah menyucuk-nyucuk hatiku

Gombalan 18

co: bapak kamu pawang singa ya?
ce: kok tau?
co: karena kamu telah menjinakkan hati ku yg buas

Gombalan 19

a : bapak kamu satpol PP nya ?
b : kok bisa ?
a : soalnya, kamu sudah merajia hatiku

Gombalan 20

Co : Bapak kamu DJ ya??
Ce: Ko' tau??
Co: karna kamu telah mere-re-re-re-mix-mix-mix hatiku..

Gombalan 21

co: bapak km penjaga pintu kereta ya?
ce: kok tau?
co: iya barusan ketabrak kereta tuh (sambil pasang muka cuek)

Kumpulan Gombalan Maut Dan Mantap ver.1

Buat yang jomblo atau yg udh pnya pacar, yang mau gombal-gombalin wanita idaman kalian silahkan baca gombalan berikut ini:
Tips : Kalau Berdua Sama Dia, Lo Tatap Dalem-Dalem Mata dia Baru Lo Gombalin Dah Tuh Cewek

1. Ce : "Lo kenapa sih?"
Lo : "Sakit ga sih?"
Ce : "Sakit kenapa?"
Lo : "Bidadari kaya lo, jatuh dr langit.. Sakit ga sih ?"

2. "Sayang... kamu tau kan aku orangnya suka ngegombal... tapi kali ini aku serius! Kalo emang harus kita berpisah dan kamu pergi jauh, sejuta mil jarak memisahkan kita, walau aku ga punya duit, aku serius! Aku akan berenang mengarungi samudera! Sumpah!"

3. "Say tadi malem gw dapt telpon dari kayangan katanya mereka kehilangan 1 bidadarinya. Gw gak akan bilang lo ada di sini mmmuach ...."

4. Pas lagi telpon2an :
Cowo : Langit malam ini ga indah yaa...
Cewe : Emang knapa?
Cowo : Karena 2 bintang terindah nya ada di mata kamu....

5. Waktu nelpon :
co : Halo bisa bicara dengan xx (nama cw-nya .red)?
cw : Ya, saya sendiri. darimana ya?
co : Oh, kbtulan, ini dari kepolisian mbak. mbak ditangkap atas tuduhan pencurian.
cw : Hah! pencurian? pencurian apa? saya ga ngerasa mencuri?
co : Pencurian hati...

6. "Kalau hari-hari ku sedang buruk dan melihat kamu bahagia, tampaknya hari itu tidaklah begitu buruk adanya. Kalau hari-hari ku sedang bahagia dan kamu juga bahagia maka itu adalah hari yang paling indah dalam hidup ini. Karena itu aku selalu ingin membuatmu bahagia selalu."

7. Me : Say 4 huruf buat kamu
Say : Apa ?
Me : L - O - V - E

8. Co : Hei punya korek ga?
Ce : Ga punya..
Co : Klo nama punya kan?

9. Cowo : Mbak-mbak, maaf ya...
Cewe : Knapa?
Cowo : Minta tolong sebentar jangan bergerak...
Cewe : ?? Emang knapa mas? (Bingung karna ga kenal ama si cowo)
Cowo : Saya perlu bukti, jadi saya foto sebentar pake Handphone saya ya.. (cklik!! sambil ambil foto pake HP)
Cewe : ????? (tambah bingung) Bukti buat apa ya???
Cowo : Ngga..... Kmaren temen saya bilang ga ada tuh yang namanya "Cewek secantik bidadari". Dengan foto ini saya mau tunjukin kalo dia salah....
Cewe: ???????? Oya? (Mukanya merah.....) Nama mas siapa?
Selanjutnya terserah anda........ Hehhehehehe....

10. Rasa sayangku seperti kuku
Akan selalu tumbuh
Walau siapapun memotongnya
Dia akan terus tumbuh dan tumbuh
Sampai kapanpun juga
Sampai Tuhan menghendaki untuk tidak tumbuh lagi

11. Gombal zaman kuda gigit besi
co : Neng abang mau ngomong nih neng
ce : Iya bang
co : Andai kate nih ye
ce : Iya bang
co : Andai kate neng itu kembang melati abang nih lebahnya neng
ce : Ah abang bisa aja

12. Gombal paling ampuh ni
"Sayy.. badan kamu kok tambah langsing bgt sih"

13. Co : Hari ini ada yang aneh deh
Ce : Apanya yang aneh?
Co : Soalnya hari ini kamu cantiiiikkkk sekali

14. "Kamu wanita tercantic yg pernah ku temui....!!!"
"Kamu kok cantic sekali ya....."

15. gombal ini emang dah lama banget dari jaman compeni dulu, tapi kasiat nya masi terasa sampai sekarang....
ini baru gombal paling topjerrr sepanjang masa......
gombal ini gak ada mati nyaaa........

buktikan sendiri caranya.......
Ngeliatin dia...
Pas dia mulai protes...
Sambil garuk2 kpala bilang "arghhh km kok cantik bgt sih...."
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