Tuesday, May 1, 2012

How to Get Beautiful, Glowing Skin

1. Clean your hands. Wash your hands before treating your face. Because if you don't, dirt from your hands can get on your face and might even cause breakouts.

2. Cleanse yourself properly. Keep makeup to a minimum, and wash yourself properly afterwards. Certain foundations and bronzers can make your skin irritated and break out, so be sure to remove it all completely.

3. Apply sunscreen, chapstick, and/or lip balm. Optionally, the chapstick and lip balm may have SPF. Sunscreen will prevent sunburn damage to your skin.

4. Wash your face with a cleanser after waking up. You could use Clean&Clear Morning burst, it will wake you up as well as cleansing your face. And another example is like Cetaphil. Think about it: you have been tossing and turning all night on a pillow covered with bacteria and hair product residue.

5. Wash your face before you go to bed at night. Your face has been exposed to polluted air, oils from your hands, and other environmental factors all day. Use a nutritive skin care product. Remember to never go to bed with make-up on.

6. Wash your face with warm/hot water to open your pores. Use your cleanser and rinse off with warm/hot water afterwards. Finish by rinsing with cold water on your face to close your pores and help keep them clean.

7. Steam your pores open to cleanse about once a week.

- Boil a pot of water. You can add a drop of something like rosemary oil.
- Drape a towel over your hair.
- Hold your face about 6" away from the water's surface for about 3-5 minutes.
- Cleanse and follow up with the cold water or ice.

8. Exercise. Cardio is what will give your skin that glow because it stimulates blood flow. It's also healthy for your body and will make you stronger.

9. Use a weekly moisturizing or anti-aging mask on face and neck, preferably after exfoliating the skin.

10. Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day. This will help clear your skin and give it a glow because it will help rid toxins from your body.

11. Remember it is crucial to have a healthy diet:

- You are what you eat, and incorporating healthy food like vegetables, fruits, grains, and protein will help. Omega 3 Fatty Acids found in fish and walnuts is especially beneficial to your skin. Vitamin C will help existing pimples heal faster, so eating a few servings of things like citrus fruits will help. If you're worried you aren't getting enough of necessary vitamins and minerals, try taking a multivitamin.
- Eat fiber rich foods (fresh vegetables, nuts, fruits all with skins on) to help keep a fine balance and to be regular, not sluggish, in the gastrointestinal area. You may look and feel tired and sickly (headache and abdominal complaints), if you do not have regularity of elimination/movements once or more every day.
- Steer clear of foods and drinks high in sugar and caffeine. Which means you should cut down on, or completely remove soda, coffee, and sugary juices from our diet.
- Try to consume less than 45g of sugar on a daily basis.
- Cut down on salty foods. Eating too much salt can make your face look bloated.

12. Exfoliate about once a week also. You can do this by buying an exfoliater or by using a washcloth to rub your cleanser in - just make sure it's clean! Exfoliating will remove dead, dull skin.

13. Always follow up a cleanse with a moisturizer made for your skin type. Especially after exfoliating!

14. Do NOT pick at existing pimples. When you pick at or pop a pimple, you are spreading the bacteria from that onto the rest of your face.

15. Try to keep your hands off your face as much as possible. Your hands naturally have oils on them that can clog pores.

16. Try to keep stress to a minimum. I know for a fact that the majority of us have to deal with stress frequently, but stress can cause break-outs. Try meditating or just taking a few minutes in the day to sit back, clear your mind, and do something you enjoy.

17. Use a nutritive skin care product to feed the skin during the night.

18. Get plenty of sleep.

19. Sleep with your hair tied back. Hair oils and hair product residue clogs pores.

20. Apply lotion to your body within ten minutes of taking a shower. This will keep your skin from drying, especially during the winter months.

21. After you cleanse your face in the morning, apply a moisturizer such as Neutrogena Oil-Free Moisture Spf 15.

22. After you cleanse your face in the evening, apply a moisturizer such as Pond's Dry Skin Cream.

Tips Perawatan Kecantikan Alami Wajah Dan Perawatan Kulit

Memiliki kecantikan wajah serta kecantikan kulit pasti diharapkan oleh semua wanita. Banyak cara dan metode bagaimana memperoleh kecantikan yang di inginkan. Mulai yang modern hingga yang tradisional. Tapi alangkah baiknya jika untuk mendapatkannya kecantikan wajah dan kulit alami menggunakan tips kecantikan secara alami karena minimnya resiko.

Artikel ini merupakan artikel kumpulan tips wanita yang berisi Tips Kecantikan - Kumpulan Tips Kecantikan Wanita secara alami serta perawatan wajah dan kulit Baca Tips Cara Menghilangkan Jerawat Pada Wajah Secara Alami . Perawatan kecantikan alami lebih di utamakan karena relatif lebih aman walaupun membutuhkan waktu lebih lama. Yang di bahas disini adalah tips alami mengencangkan wajah, tips kecantikan rambut bagaimana car agar Kulit Jadi Segar dan Kencang.

Dari semua bagian tubuh yang ada kulit memerlukan perhatian lebih karena paling dulu menerima berbagai efek pas kita lagi di luar rumah. Mulai dari partikel bebas, asap kendaraan bermotor, polusi, dan sinar ultra violet.Agar kulit kembali segar dan cantik perlu perawatan lebih ketimbang bagian tubuh yang lain. Misalnya dengan melindungi kulit dengan krim pelindung sinar matahari.

Berikut ini tips cara perawatan kecantikan kulit dan perawatan wajah:

Cara Menghaluskan kulit: Gunakanlah garam lalu dicampur dengan pembersih tubuh atau conditioner dengan prosentase perbandingan yang sama. Kemudian gosokkan campuran tersebut pada tubuh sambil mandi. Setelah selesai bilas hingga bersih dan kulit anda akan terasa menjadi sangat halus.

Cara Perawatan wajah anda: Oleskan wajah Anda dengan pelembab sebelum anda mandi dan biarkan terus hingga selesai mandi. Bila waktu mandi anda memakai air hangat maka uap air akan membuka pori sehingga pelembab penetrasi lebih dalam.

Cara Agar tangan awet muda: Lakukan perawatan dengan cara manicure untuk menghaluskan kulit. Kemudian campurkan gula dengan menggunakan sedikit minyak zaitun dan vanila. Lalu ambil rammuan tersebut dan pijatkan pada bagian tangan dan kutikula. Setelah selesai bilaslah di bawah air hangat yang mengalir.

Memberikan pijatan pada kulit kepala: Gunakan beberapa tetes peppermint oil pada shampoo bayi kemudian gunakan ramuan ini untuk memijat bagian kulita kepala. Pepperminta merupakan astrigent alamiah yang membantu mengatur minyak.

Cara perawatan kaki: Gunakan tutup saringan bath tub kemudian tambahkan bubuk yang menghaluskan kulit di dasar tub. setelah itu biarkan kaki tetap pada posisi terendam sambil anda mandi.
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